Welcome to Siren Swim Co! 

Hi, I’m Sara, the founder of Siren Swim! I figured if I am going to introduce you to a brand that is so close to my heart then maybe I should let you know a little more about me.

I am a 25 year old who is obsessed with spending my days on the water, whether that be at the beach or on a lake! I also love traveling; seeing and learning about new places and cultures has quickly become one of my favorite things to do. I am someone who is incapable of sitting still and when I am not working on Siren Swim (and new designs… I promise they’ll be released soon) I spend most of my time with my family or friends, reading, drawing, at the gym, or going on “mom walks,” I know most people call them “hot girl walks,” but I will forever refer to them as my mom walks. Some things I am obsessed with include cats, Taylor Swift, and the Sarah J Maas universe.

Ok enough about me; I started Siren Swim out of my parents house back in January of 2021 and we officially launched in July of 2022. Those 18 months were filled with me learning a lot of new things! I spent my time designing all the suits & the prints, finding a manufacturer, creating samples, correcting samples, finally approving samples, ordering our first bulk order, learning to build a website, trying to build a social media presence, and so much more. I also learned a lot about the process of creating a physical clothing product; I learned about both unethical and ethical practices in the manufacturing world, and I spent a lot of time educating myself on the unsustainable practices found in the fashion industry.

The idea of Siren Swim formed, well for many reasons, for starters: I have a shopping problem. Which, by the way, my overconsumption problem is the opposite of sustainable. Anyways, I was constantly buying new swimsuits as I struggled with body image issues and finding a suit that I felt comfortable in. I also had begun to learn a lot about the lack of sustainability in the fashion industry and that most of our clothes are made out of plastic. Then you add on the fact that I was a 22 year old, recent college grad in the middle of a pandemic who had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, besides the fact that she wanted to create her own business. You mix all that together and Siren Swim Co was born!
Siren Swim will be turning 1 soon and I am so proud of what we have accomplished with our first line, but I recognize that there is a lot more growth this company needs to do! We want to continue to be a sustainable and ethical company and we want to create swimsuits that everyone can feel like their best selves in. At this moment we offer sizes XS-XL in our women’s suits and sizes XS-2XL in our men’s suits, we know this is not good enough and we promise that we will continue to expand our sizing with each launch.
I want to thank everyone who has supported my little dream of creating Siren Swim Co. Thank you to everyone who has purchased our suits, shared a post about our company, engaged with us on social media, and taken part in our events & beach clean ups!! And of course, a quick shout out to my family that has supported me every step of the way, especially my mom who has done more than I could have ever asked for while on this adventure.

Much love,

Founder, Siren Swim Co