This handmade glass bead bracelet is inspired by bottlenose dolphins, thought to be some of the smartest animals on Earth.
This stretch bracelet measures 17.5 cm / 7 inches in length. This adjustable bracelet fits any size of wrist between 13 cm (5.2 inches) and 24 cm (9.5 inches.)
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Bottlenose dolphins send messages to one another in many different ways. They squeak, squawk and use body language—leaping as high as 20 feet in the air, snapping their jaws, slapping their tails on the surface of the water, blowing bubbles and even butting heads. Each dolphin has a special whistle that it creates soon after it is born. This whistle is used for identification, just like a human’s name. They have a sharp sense of hearing. Scientists believe that the sounds travel through the dolphin’s lower jaw to its inner ear and then are transmitted to the brain for analysis. Very social and playful mammals, these dolphins form friendships that last decades hunting, mating and protecting each other. They like to surf in the waves and wakes of boats and swim through self-made bubble rings. They can swim up to 22 miles an hour. We donate 10% of bracelet sales towards cleaning up ocean plastic.
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